In the fall of 2018, The Nib launched a print quarterly magazine as part of our membership program, The Inkwell. So far we’ve covered Death, Family, Empire… and now we’re looking for artists to be part of issue four — the Scams issue.
We’re looking for all range of comics pitches — long form, short form, gags, explainers, stats. Every magazine is about 100 pages of comics, square bound and beautiful, not part of the daily news cycle. We have a lot of space to fill and we’re looking to slot things into three broad categories.
• Dispatches: two page short non-fiction pieces of journalism, explainers, interviews, history and memoir.
• Non-fiction features: 8–12 page pieces of journalism, explainers, interviews, history and memoir.
• Strips: 1–2 page comics, usually funny, (but they don’t have to be) incorporating the issue’s theme in a clever way
Each issue also features a variety of front of the book matter and interstitial art — so if you have an unconventional idea that doesn’t fit into the above categories, it could be just what we’re looking for.
The only rule is that, like our website, we will not accept pitches of fiction longer than a short gag strip. These have to be real stories about real things that happen to real people.
In the Scams issue we want to look at the Silicon Valley shell game, anti-vaxers, catfishing, cryptocurrencies, debt, capitalism, Florida land sales, fortune tellers, bad dealz, emails from delightful Nigerians offering you their life savings and the like.
Your pitch must be relatively timeless — this baby won’t hit shelves until mid-2019 — and you must be willing to go on a wild formatting journey with us to produce a comic that works in a magazine, on desktop and on mobile. That’s right. All of the things.
Rates are similar to what we normally pay for pieces based on length, with additional money available for things we can only do in print, like double page spread title pages, to make it extra nice.
The timeline is not tight, but it is set in stone, so we can’t tolerate blown deadlines (you know who you are). We’ve revised deadlines to start editorial production in February, so everything has to be assigned by late January, with final art due in April.
Hit us up with all your ideas at by JANUARY 23, 2019 to tell us what you want to do and how you want to do it. No idea is too ridiculous or too crazy.
Team Nib